Soft My Hard
Vista safe mode

Vista safe mode

After you install a new driver or a new card, your operating system may not work properly. Now you have to figure out a way to start the system and fix the problem.

To disable any drivers or programs that may be preventing your computer from starting Windows, you can use Safe Mode.

Safe Mode allows you to turn on the computer even with those drivers that won’t start in normal mode.

To start your Windows computer in Safe Mode you will need to press the F8 key right before the loading screen. If you have pressed the F8 key at the right moment then you will be presented with the following screen:

Choose Safe Mode from the menu and then wait for Windows to start. You will have access to all options from Control Panel and to all specific programs that will help you solve the problems.

The same thing applies to Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, Vista and 7.

Tag: access windows in safe mode, advanced boot options, boot options, enter safe mode on Windows, enter windows in safe mode, F8, safe mode, solving problems in safe mode, vista safe mode, windows 7 safe mode, windows safe mode, XP safe mode

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