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Free movies

Free movies


If you want to download movies directly from the internet, then all you need to do is spend some time searching for them. There are a few websites that offer quality movies and they offer them for free.

Preparing your computer

You will need two things to download and see the movies on your computer: space on your hard disk and a video player.

To see how much space you have on your computer, go to Start. Right click on My Computer and choose Explore. Click on a partition to see how much space you have available.

Browsing the sites

Now comes the fun part. You will need to search through the movies list the one that you want to see. On every movie’s page there has to be a download link. You can download the movie directly from the site. If you can’t find the desired movie, there is a possibility to search for its name in a search box.

Downloading the movie

Once you’ve found the movie, all you have to do is click on the download link. Next you will have a few options for the download. Some site’s need you to create an account. After you have created the account, all you need to do is click on the download button.

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